1503 Results Found

Diocesan Synod Acts November 2019

Diocesan Synod Acts November 2019

Diocesan Synod Acts November 2020

Diocese of Winchester launches Net Zero Strategy to reduce carbon emissions by 2030

Diocese of Winchester launches Net Zero Strategy to reduce carbon emissions by 2030

Diocesan Net Zero Strategy

Diocesan Net Zero Strategy

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Supporting People Living with Dementia to be involved in Adult Safeguarding Enquiries

Supporting People Living with Dementia to be involved in Adult Safeguarding Enquiries

Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board – Fire Safety Framework 2021

Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board - Fire Safety Framework 2021

Rogation Sunday

Rogation Sunday

This year Rogation Sunday falls on Sunday 9th May. But what exactly does it mark?

Bishop of Winchester supports Church of England’s new Vision for Further Education

Bishop of Winchester supports Church of England’s new Vision for Further Education