1503 Results Found

Results-R1444_40-Election of Proctors in Convocation

Results-R1444_40-Election of Proctors in Convocation

Yateley gardener amongst nearly 100 new lay leaders celebrated at Winchester Cathedral

Yateley gardener amongst nearly 100 new lay leaders celebrated at Winchester Cathedral

General Synod Results | 2021

General Synod Results | 2021

Staff Reflection – Mosaics

Staff Reflection - Mosaics

Staff Reflection – Fireworks

Staff Reflection - Fireworks

What a lot of goodness and love from one 'very little' Orchard.

What a lot of goodness and love from one ‘very little’ Orchard.

Diocesan Chief Executive Announces Departure

Diocesan Chief Executive Announces Departure

Winchester Diocesan Board of Finance Annual Accounts 2020

Winchester Diocesan Board of Finance Annual Accounts 2020

Bishop of Southampton reopens Bournemouth church after extensive renovations

Bishop of Southampton reopens Bournemouth church after extensive renovations