12 Results Found

Bishop Philip Pays Tribute to 'A Good Man, Full of the Holy Spirit and of Faith'

Bishop Philip Pays Tribute to ‘A Good Man, Full of the Holy Spirit and of Faith’

Bishop Philip's Presidential Address at Winchester Diocesan Synod March 2024

Bishop Philip’s Presidential Address at Winchester Diocesan Synod March 2024

Parish Magazine Guidelines

Parish Magazine Guidelines

Bishop Philip's Service of Welcome

Bishop Philip’s Service of Welcome

Winchester Diocese Says Goodbye to Bishop Debbie

Winchester Diocese Says Goodbye to Bishop Debbie

Diocesan Rule of Life

Diocesan Rule of Life

Clergy Conference 2024

Clergy Conference 2024

Visitors From Fleury Abbey Strengthen Centuries-Old Bond with Winchester Cathedral

Visitors From Fleury Abbey Strengthen Centuries-Old Bond with Winchester Cathedral

In Words and Images: Recent adult baptisms from around the diocese

In Words and Images: Recent adult baptisms from around the diocese