
Within these pages you will find support with all the common areas of the financial management of parishes.
In addition to these resources, the diocese has dedicated Finance Advisers to support you with your finance and stewardship; you can find their contact details at the bottom of the page.

Useful Information
NatWest Bank, Winchester
Sort Code: 55-81-26
Account No.: 00342564
Winchester Diocesan Board of Finance (WDBF)
Please state your unique Parish Code for reference (410_ _ _) along with details of what the payment is for (e.g. CMF, FEES, etc.).
When making electronic payments please always email confirmation to:
Year End Housekeeping Information
Please pay outstanding 2024 Parochial Fees and Common Mission Fund contributions no later than Monday 20 January 2025 to ensure they are included in our 2024 year-end figures. Payments should be made directly into the Winchester DBF bank account if possible. If you are sending cheques, please ensure that these arrive at our office no later than the above date.
Please ensure all purchase invoices and expenses claims for 2024 are received no later than Monday 20 January 2025. These should be sent by email to
You can find information on parochial fees using the link above.
If you are unsure as to where you are with your Parish’s return of statutory fees for 2024, or need any assistance with the fees process going forward, please contact
The CMF request for 2025 can be found here. CMF requests for 2024 can be found here.
If you currently pay by direct debit and do not wish for this to be updated to reflect the 2025 request, please email by 13 December 2024 with your preferred payment schedule using this form. If we do not hear from you by this date, the direct debit schedule will automatically be updated to reflect the 2025 request. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please get in touch as soon as possible using the email address above.
If you would like to start paying your CMF by direct debit, please download and complete this form and return by email to or by post to the address included on the form. The direct debit instruction can be amended at any point during the year by emailing with details of the change. Amendment requests must be received by the 15th of the month in order for the changes to be reflected in that month.
If you are paying by standing order please confirm the dates and amount of the payments you plan to make in the year, by email to Amendments to standing orders can be made by contacting your bank directly.
We ask that parishes aim to contribute at least 50% of their CMF payments by either direct debit or standing order. Contributions can be made in 10 or 12 monthly payments. Regular continuity of standing order or direct debit payments helps us to ensure adequate cash flow for the Diocese and reduces administration costs.
The Parish Resources website has the most current guidance on producing your PCC accounts.
Your PCC’s annual report and accounts for 2024 must be approved at your APCM which must be held no later than 31 May 2025. You can upload a copy of your annual report and accounts to the parish portal. Please contact if you require support with this.
For those PCCs registered with the Charity Commission, please upload your accounts and annual return as soon as possible following your APCM. Please contact the Charity Commission directly if you do not have your login details. Parishes with income up to £100,000 are known as excepted charities and currently do not have to register with the charity commission. If you are not registered with the Charity Commission and your income exceeds the £100,000 threshold, even if this is due to a to a ‘one off’ legacy or grant, please read the guidance on registration
This system is set up to receive the annual Statistics for Mission and the Return of Parish Finance. Users at parish level input their data directly into a common database and have immediate access to a wealth of data showing how their parish has progressed over the last ten years. As soon as the data is entered at parish level the statistics become available at diocese and national church level to help plan resource allocation.
Entry deadline dates:
- 31st January 2024 Statistics for Mission
- 31st July 2024 Return of Parish Finance
- 31st August 2024 Return of Energy Statistics
Help for this site, including login and password details, can be provided by emailing
Copies of CBF Church of England investment statements (where the Diocese is the Custodian Trustee) will be sent out as early as possible in 2025. Statements for investments held by the PCC in their own name with CCLA, can be obtained directly from CCLA in the usual manner. Please refer to the CCLA website for more information on investments.