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Project Grants and Funding

Project Grants and Funding

Whilst it is generally a good principle for the day to day running costs and routine maintenance of the church to be met by regular giving, regular one off fundraising activities can significantly contribute to a churches income.

There will inevitably be times in the lives of many churches when a major fundraising project is needed. The Diocese holds a licence to several online funding databases.

Please Contact Our Synod & Parish Support Adviser

We'll be happy to help you find the right funders to support your project

Bid writing training and meet-the-funder events are held throughout the year, please contact us for more information.

Alternatively, the national church offer a range of funding guides to help parishes raise funds for large fundraising appeals (building projects) as well as funding the on-going mission of the church. They aim to provide as much practical information as possible. These guides are intended to be simple “how-to” guides, and are developed by a Good Practice Group established by the National Stewardship Committee.

Take a look at: