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The Bishop’s Council & Standing Committee

The Bishop’s Council & Standing Committee

The members of the Bishop’s Council & Standing Committee have a number of roles and responsibilities. As the Bishop’s Council & Synod Standing Committee they are responsible for advising the Synod on policy, and preparing recommendations and transacting business in between meetings of the full Synod. They also consider wider questions on the mission and ministry of the Diocese and the wider Church.

As the Mission & Pastoral Committee, the Council discuss issues relating to pastoral reorganisation and deployment of ministerial resource.

As the Parsonages Board, they consider matters relating to clergy housing where appropriate and finally, as Directors of the Board of Finance the Council are responsible for overseeing the financial policies and decisions of the Diocese.

There are numerous sub-committees of the Bishop’s Council that hold oversight of specific operational areas and all report back into the council. These include the Finance Committee and Property Working Group as well as an independent safeguarding panel.

The Bishop’s Council & Standing Committee Members

Ex Officio
The Bishop of Winchester (Chair of the Bishops Council)The Right Reverend Philip Mounstephen
Chair of the WDBFThe Reverend Ian Dighe
Bishop of BasingstokeThe Right Reverend David Williams
Bishop of SouthamptonThe Right Reverend Rhiannon King
Chair of House of LaityMr Alastair Barron
Chair of House of ClergyThe Reverend Angie Smith
Chair of the Finance CommitteeMrs Elspeth Mackeggie Gurney
The Dean of WinchesterThe Very Reverend Dr Catherine Ogle
The Archdeacon of WinchesterThe Venerable Richard Brand
The Archdeacon of BournemouthThe Venerable Jean Burgess

Elected Members (Current Triennium Ends 31/12/2027)
Elected Member LaityMr Dave Collier
Elected Member LaityMrs Gillian Gray Knight
Elected Member LaityDr Richard Roope
Elected Member LaityMrs Madeleine Hedley
Elected Member ClergyThe Reverend Canon Andrew Micklefield
Elected Member ClergyThe Reverend Sarah Yetman

Committee Secretary
Diocesan SecretaryMr Colin Harbidge