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Vision and Values

Walking Wessex Map 3

‘Walking the Wessex Way’ is a story and vision for the Diocese of Winchester, offering four lenses – Loving, Serving, Learning and Growing – through which we can reflect on where God is leading us.

We encourage you to download the resource below and watch the four videos in your worshipping communities, PCCs, chaplaincies, deaneries, synods and chapters, to reflect on your own part in the diocesan vision.

Walking the Wessex Way Download


Our diocese has played a major role in shaping this nation, and the life of the diocese is still marked by loving service, in innumerable ways, reaching out in love to those on the margins, serving the wider community, the nation and the wider world. 


Our diocese has been a major engine of Christian learning and education, from the time of King Alfred onwards, and remains a centre of education, learning and discipleship, through its universities and colleges, through its schools and churches. 


Our diocese has been a huge catalyst for church growth and mission. Today, we are still working for the revitalisation and renewal of our churches, equipping and enabling them for the challenges of this generation and beyond, nationally and internationally. 


Our diocese has emanated love that has changed our communities and the wider world. Today, as people encounter our churches, schools and chaplaincies, they find themselves brought face to face with the love of God in Christ, and find their lives changed as a consequence.