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Resources for PCCs

Resources for PCCs

This page contains a selection of resources. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please do get in touch:

This process document is designed primarily for PCCs. It may help PCCs review what steps might reasonably be taken to develop parish stewardship.

Across the Church of England many parishes have found that developing a financial stewardship programme helps to increase parish income. The downloadable document below provides links to numerous resources that have been used by parishes when planning such programmes. Some of these are more suited to small parishes, others are more likely to be appropriate for medium to large parishes.

Alternatively, a Resource Pack intended to meet the needs of small to medium parishes, which includes editable Word and Excel documents, is available by contacting our Diocesan Stewardship Advisor. Please note that holistic stewardship material that encourages giving through volunteering time and talents is currently being written and will be available shortly – if not before Christmas then early in the New Year. For further information, please contact Georgi: or by telephone on 01962 737340.

Other Stewardship Resources

‘Stewardship’ was set up in 1906 by a group of Christians with a vision to provide financial support to Christian ministries in the UK and overseas. As a registered charity, it provides a range of giving accounts to facilitate tax efficient giving to charitable causes in the UK and beyond.

For individuals ‘Stewardship’ provides a ‘Giving Account’ which allows donors to give to their local church and to other charities using one account – all of which can be administered via a phone ‘app’.

Parishes wishing to receive donations via the ‘Giving Account’ need to open a Partner Account with ‘Stewardship’. If your church is not a registered charity, when completing the online application form, confirm that your church is ‘excepted or exempt‘ from registration, supply your parish’s HMRC gift aid number and attach a scan/photo of correspondence from HMRC which shows this.

A ‘Giving Account’ gives donors the ability to manage their giving to different causes using one account. Donors can be anonymous if they wish.

Parish Reserves – Guidance

Reserves Policy Template:

Encouraging a Culture of Generosity