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Serving Southampton & Believing in Bournemouth

Serving Southampton & Believing in Bournemouth

We recognise that our two largest conurbations have huge missional opportunities and challenges, but have had the lowest level of investment for so many years.

Our new Bishop of Southampton, +Rhiannon, comes to us with direct experience of leading ‘Inspiring Ipswich’, which has led to some wonderful outcomes and developments. She will be supported by two dedicated Programme managers, will work closely with clergy and parishes across Southampton and Bournemouth to develop deanery wide mission development plans to include social and civic impact, revitalisation projects, new worshipping communities and strengthening investment in existing mission and ministry.

It will build on the principles of the Benefice Development Programme but recognising the complexities and inter-dependencies of the specific contexts, this project will seek to offer similar bespoke support whilst also ensuring that synergies and cross-parish boundary opportunities are not missed.