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Benefice Development Programme

Benefice Development Programme

This part of the plan proposes working with 50 benefices over the next 5-7 years to develop a menu of costed potential support packages, interventions, training and tools to assist benefices in improving core areas of their health and vitality, with a particular focus on youth, children and families.

The plan would include Benefice Development Advisers to be appointed to walk alongside benefices as they develop and discern their local plans, providing challenge, support, advocacy and expertise.

Here is a draft Benefice Development Plan Sample Menu:

Parish Revitalisation Programme3 
Funded Benefice Ops Manager  
Funded Benefice YCF Pastor5Tapered funding
Grant for YCF EquipmentOne off 
Funding for interim stipendiary post3 years 
Mission Transition Grants Dependent on context
Coaching for Benefice leader8 sessions