Preaching for Lent
How best to approach preaching from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day, via the five Sundays of Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday?
How best to approach preaching from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day, via the five Sundays of Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday?
Session for IME5 curates led by Andy Saunders of Lighthouse Ministries
Residential for new Area and Assistant Area Deans
A weeklong residential course for ordinands in training within the diocese.
The second of two all-day study days designed to introduce ministers in training to pastoral care.
The focus is on working well together and will be led by Bridge-Builders
The Opening Session of the BCM Pastoral Programme
The Opening Session of the BCM Worship Programme
Starting or planting a new congregation can be an effective way to engage new people.
LMT core staff meeting with student and tutor reps
A day for curates in IME4 led by Rachel Noel and Kt Tupling looking at disability, inclusion, neurodiversity
A day for curates in IME5