Meeting for LMT Training Ministers
Meeting for minsters of ordinands and LLM trainees
Meeting for minsters of ordinands and LLM trainees
Meeting for 2025 Deacons and their spouses
Networking Breakfast for all in Lay Ministry
A day for curates in IME4 led by the Revd Nick Ralph
A day for curates in IME5 led by the Diocesan Comms team
A quiet morning for clergy and LLMs
The second of two all-day study days offering academic study of the New Testament to ministers in training.
An all-day study day designed for ministers in training.
The first of two all-day study days offering academic study of the New Testament to ministers in training.
All LLMs and LLWs are warmly invited to join us for a day of encouragement, fellowship and teaching with Bishop David as a keynote speaker.
An opportunity for spiritual directors on the Diocesan Register to meet together for discussion, prayer and mutual support.
Networking Breakfast for all in Lay Ministry