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Clergy Wellbeing

Clergy Wellbeing

Here you will find resources and information to support clergy and their families in their wellbeing. Please be aware that the Archdeacon Richard Brand is the Clergy Wellbeing lead for the diocese and can be contacted on

Clergy wellbeing encompasses all that promotes the health and wholeness of the clergy of the diocese. Clergy wellbeing is of concern for the whole church and the responsibility for the promotion of wellbeing lies with: 

  • The diocese, in offering personal support and development of skills necessary for the changing role of those who are ordained and in defining manageable roles for clergy
  • The clergy, as they take responsibility for their own wellbeing and are mindful of the wellbeing of their colleagues
  • Congregations, as they are encouraged to recognise their impact on the wellbeing of their clergy.

Mental and Emotional Health

Our diocese uses a Welfare Assistance Programme provided by Health Assured – it is for all Clergy, Ordinands, Parish Safeguarding Officers and WDBF staff, their partners/spouse and dependents aged 16-24 years. It offers a 24/7 confidential helpline, up to 6 sessions of counselling, as well as medical, legal and financial advice, and support in areas such as bereavement, addiction, debt, identity and family life.

  • The 24 hour confidential helpline is 0800 028 0199.
  • For a full list of the Health Assured services see below:

Supporting Healthy Ministry

Recognising the increasingly demanding role of incumbents (often shared with other ordained ministers) and responding to societal changes experienced through and since the Pandemic, we have been working on providing a significantly greater amount of support for our clergy. Evidence suggests that pre-emptive and preventative support is better for the overall wellbeing of clergy and in the interests of our parishes.

We are pleased to now open up the offer for two new sources of support to clergy to support healthy ministry:

Pastoral Reflective Groups   

This type of work has been associated in many studies within the Church and other structures, with higher levels of role satisfaction, improved wellbeing, reduced stress and an increase in ministerial effectiveness.

6 places are available for the piloting of this scheme. Please email if you would like to be considered for one of these places. You will have an introductory conversation to ensure this is right for you and then two groups of three clergy will meet approximately every 6 weeks with an accredited professional.


Coaching can help clergy to:

  • Think strategically about options and priorities
  • Unlock ideas and develop plans
  • Set goals, with some achievable steps
  • Grow in self-understanding

Coaching is offered over an initial 6 – 8 sessions. Please email if you would like to explore this further. All coaches have received recognized training and have supervision.

There is no charge to clergy for either of these options.

Financial Support for Clergy

We understand that there are financial pressures on clergy families and our aim is always to ensure our clergy are supported through difficult times. As well as contacting our parish support team, here are some avenues which might be a useful start:

  • The Clergy Support Trust provides financial support, health grants and emergency funds for clergy in times of need. They also provide support for clergy households, including spouses, partners, and dependent children.
  • The Henry Smith Charity is an independent grant-making trust which assists clergy through a fund allocated via the diocese. Each application is considered by our bishops and applicants can receive a maximum grant of £2,500 up to twice a year. Further information on eligibility criteria can be found here. If you would like to be considered for this assistance, please email with a brief outline of your circumstances. The cut-off for the two sets of applications are 30th November and 31st May.

Support for Clergy Households

Most organisations we work alongside don’t just offer support for clergy, they also do their best to provide assistance to everyone within a clergy household. This includes spouses and partners, as well as dependent children.

For instance, The Clergy Support Trust not only provides support to Anglican clergy (serving and retired) and ordinands, they also support their families, through things like wellbeing grants and independent school fees. Health Assured also works with clergy households, offering a 24/7 helpline, as well as advice and support in a number of areas. Spouses and partners of clergy can additionally get in touch with the Clergy Partners Network, which provides a space for partners to meet and support each other. You can reach them by emailing

Care of Separated/Divorced Partners

The diocese can provide a Bishop’s Visitor is to support clergy spouse/partners in the event of a clergy marriage facing difficulties or coming to an end. The Bishop’s Visitor will meet with the spouse/partner as often as needed short term and agree a plan with them for their immediate, medium-term and longer-term needs. See the full Church of England policy here.

To get in touch with a Bishop’s Visitor either contact direct:

Alternatively, you may wish to speak to one of the Bishops or Archdeacons first.

Additional Wellbeing Resources

  •  How Clergy Thrive: Insights from Living Ministry resource – Dr. Liz Graveling has written this booklet as a tool both for clergy reflecting on their own wellbeing and for those with responsibility for supporting the wellbeing of others.
  • St Luke’s is the leading clergy wellbeing charity, helping clergy flourish through three areas of work: preventive training and workshops, restorative care and advocacy.
  • ReSource offers an Alongside Scheme which supports church leaders both in ministry and personal life of prayer.
  • The Retreat Association provides lots of information about places and ways to help find ways of exploring and deepening your journey with God through spirituality and prayer.
  • See our Continuing Ministerial Development pages for events and training to help clergy grow and flourish, including the Transitions in Ministry programme.
  • Action Learning Sets for incumbents in their first post of responsibility provide a safe confidential space as clergy peers to help one another work out what we need to learn and identify the actions we can take.

Our Diocesan Approach to Clergy Wellbeing

  • The diocese is committed to the Church of England’s Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing which sets out some principles and invites parishes, dioceses and the wider church, as well as individual clergy, to share responsibility for the welfare of ordained ministers and their families/households.
  • A video recording of a Continuing Ministerial Development session on Clergy Wellbeing, led by our Archdeacon, the Ven Richard Brand: