Clergy Housing Handbook

Welcome to the Clergy Housing Handbook

The Clergy Housing Handbook outlines the Winchester Board of Finance (WDBF) policy regarding all properties that house clergy.

The Diocese encourages clergy to report maintenance issues promptly so that appropriate repair works can be arranged in a timely manner, for the comfort and safety of the occupants and good preservation of the property. The Diocese also encourages clergy to carry out their own responsibilities with appropriate regularity, keeping the property in good condition for their own sake and in the interests of future clergy occupants.

To keep the Handbook succinct, we have not listed every issue or detail which may arise. If you wish to make an alteration to your property and cannot find specific guidance within the Handbook, please assume that permission from the Diocese, via Savills, is required.

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Practical Property Matters Index

Click below for an overview table of who (the Diocese or clergy occupant) is responsible for maintaining certain aspects of the property. Where it is possible and relevant, the Handbook will also specify what standard can be expected. To navigate the table:

  • click on each heading for further information relating to that item
  • use the back button to return to the index page

Alternatively, use the icons below to read through each Handbook section as a whole.

Practical Property Matters Index about page

Practical Property Matters