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Inspections and Contractor Visits

Inspections and Contractor Visits

In The Diocese of Winchester, all our clergy housing is managed by an external agent (Savills), who are helping us move towards a higher level of care and compliance above and beyond Ecclesiastical Law.

Visit TypeFrom WhoFrequency
Property visitSavills’ property managerAnnually
Quinquennial inspection (QI)Savills’ building surveyorEvery 5 years
Large works tenderingContractor(s)Most likely part of QI programme
Maintenance and repairsContractor(s)As often as required
Gas/oil safety and boiler maintenanceContractor(s)Annually
EICRContractor(s)Every 5 years

Annual Property Visit

Each year a member of the Savills’ property management team will visit clergy-occupied properties. This provides an opportunity to meet with the occupant and discuss their experience of living in the property; a chance to review the condition of the accommodation and identify any interim repairs or improvements requiring attention; and to review the progress of works scheduled (if any) following the most recent QI inspection.

During the QI or property visits, improvement works might be identified or requested that the Diocese is not obliged to carry out under the current Diocese policy. Any such improvement works cannot be funded from the Quinquennial budget and are subject to the availability of alternative funding; the Diocese, current occupant and PCC will need to work together to identify available funding from elsewhere.

The Diocese must also be satisfied that any improvement works outside of policy are justified and will benefit future occupants as well as those currently in the property.

Quinquennial Inspections

Under Ecclesiastical Law, each Diocese must undertake a Quinquennial Inspection (QI) of its residential properties.

In Winchester Diocese, we commenced a new QI programme (including Energy Audits) in October 2024. Savills commission their chartered building surveyors to carry out each inspection:

  • during office hours
  • on a date agreed shortly beforehand with the occupant
  • with the occupant present.

A QI report is produced giving answers to certain questions required by the Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure, including but not limited to:

  • repairs required, with estimated costs and timescales for completion
  • any damage caused or aggravated by the occupant
  • whether improvements appear expedient
  • stating whether the house should be replaced
  • commenting on the state of the interior decorations and fixtures

The report is sent to the clergy person within a target period of one month of the inspection taking place. Incumbent clergy are entitled to make representation to Savills and the Property Working Group on the content of the report, for example if they feel it does not address all works required. We encourage all housed clergy, regardless of their license, to offer feedback around the report on their home.  

It is our aim to complete all works recommended in the QI report within the timeframe it stipulates. Any items that are classed as Health & Safety issues will be dealt with as a priority as and when they arise.

Tendering Process

Once the QI report has been approved by all parties, Savills will prepare a schedule of works. The schedule of works will be sent out to a minimum of three approved contractors for large works; minor works can be managed through a single tender process. The contractors will then make contact with the occupant directly to make access arrangements. It is important that contractors are granted access at the earliest date to ensure they have sufficient time to submit a tender return. Any late tenders will not be accepted.

When the contractors visit to price the works, we kindly ask that you do not discuss adding work items to their list. All requests for works need to go to Savills via the usual channels to avoid confusing the process.

Tenders will be reviewed and recommendations reported to the Diocese. For major repairs or alterations, the occupier must be consulted before improvements can be carried out. Incumbents have a legal right to refuse alterations (other clergy do not have this right), which are not essential repairs. They do not however have the right to insist an alternative approach is taken.

QI Scheduled Works

For works scheduled under the QI programme, contractors will be appointed at the beginning of the year in which the works are due, with the works being scheduled to complete no later than the end of October of the year.

Once large scale works have commenced, Savills will monitor the appointed contractors and ensure the appropriate sign off level once completed. Smaller scale works will be commissioned and carried out without close monitoring, and so Savills will be reliant on occupants to raise any concerns directly.

Contractor Visits

Savills will arrange the following compliance safety check visits, to be carried out by their contractors:

  • An annual gas or oil safety certificate inspection, including smoke and CO alarms, to comply with standard UK landlord regulations. This will include a gas boiler service.
  • A quinquennial electrical inspection (EICR), to comply with standard UK landlord regulations

How to Provide Feedback

More info to follow, watch this space. Or feel free to get in touch using the contact details provided here.