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Practical Property Matters Index

Practical Property Matters Index

See below for an overview table of who (the Diocese or clergy occupant) is responsible for maintaining certain aspects of the property. Where it is possible and relevant, the Handbook will also specify what standard can be expected. To navigate the table:

  • click on each heading for further information relating to that item
  • use the back button to return to the index page

*Grant available

Whose Responsibility?Is There a Set Standard?Is an Inspection or Maintenance Programme in Place?Is Permission Required for Changes?
Water and council tax paymentsDiocese   
Electricity and fuel paymentsClergy   
Heating in all habitable roomsDiocese
EV chargersClergy 
Solar panelsInstallation and maintenance: Diocese  
Solar panels*Cleaning and bird proofing: Clergy   
Smart metersClergy  
Telephones and broadbandInstallation: Diocese   
Telephones and broadbandCosts: Clergy   
Televisions and aerialsClergy   
External decorationsDiocese
Windows and doorsDiocese 
Door knockerDiocese  
Roof, brickwork and chimney stacksDiocese 
Gutters, downpipes and drainageDiocese
Internal decorations*Clergy  
Fine cracks*Clergy   
Major, worsening cracksDiocese  
Floor coverings in kitchen, bathroom, utility rooms, cloakrooms and WCsDiocese 
Other flooring, carpets and underlayClergy  
Curtain tracks and polesClergy   
Sockets and switchesDiocese  
Light fittings (e.g lampshades, bulbs)Clergy   
Light fixtures (e.g. pendants, electrics)Diocese  
Chimney sweepsClergy 
Gas firesDiocese 
Study space and shelvingDiocese  
Kitchen unitsDiocese
Appliance connection pointsDiocese 
Extractor fans (kitchen and bathroom)Installation and maintenance: Diocese 
Extractor fans (kitchen and bathroom)Cleaning and replacing filters: Clergy   
Bathroom fittings e.g. toilet roll holders, toilet seats, mirrors, shower heads and hosesClergy   
Bathroom suitesDiocese 
Bathroom tilesDiocese 
Built in wardrobesClergy  
PestsClergy  (unless within 3 months of moving in or causing structural damage)   
Damp and mouldClergy and Diocese depending on cause   
Burst pipes and plumbingDiocese (unless caused by negligence)   
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarmsInstallation and replacement: Diocese ✓ ✓ 
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarmsTesting and batteries: Clergy
Intruder alarmsInstallation: Diocese  
Intruder alarmsMaintenance: Clergy   
Security lightingDiocese  
Large treesDiocese  
Ivy, creepers*Clergy  
Invasive, pervasive, poisonous plantsDiocese 
Boundary gates, fences and wallsDiocese
Lawn, shrubs, hedges, small trees*Clergy  
Garden sheds, greenhousesClergy 
Gardening infrastructure (eg water butt)Clergy  
Garden tools*Clergy   
Driveways and pathsDiocese  