Creation Care - Looking After Our World

We believe that care for the natural environment, which is God’s creation, is a fundamental duty for all Christians.

Our Vision for Creation Care in the Diocese of Winchester

Our vision is that the Diocese of Winchester tackles climate change and other environmental issues effectively.

We will help churches, schools, other organisations and individual people make the necessary changes in what we do and how we live by providing information, encouragement and support.

As a first step, in March 2022 the Diocesan Synod declared a climate and ecological emergency. This helps the church set priorities for planning and allocation of resources.

To find out more about the steps we’re making to care for creation, read our Net Zero Action Plan approved by Diocesan synod in 2023.

Net Zero Grants

Net Zero Grants

Click here to visit Net Zero Grants article
Image of woman holding recycling

First Steps – Towards a Sustainable Church

Beginning the journey towards sustainability for you and your church.

Click here to visit First Steps – Towards a Sustainable Church article
First Steps – Towards Net Zero Carbon (NZC)

First Steps – Towards Net Zero Carbon (NZC)

Click here to visit First Steps – Towards Net Zero Carbon (NZC) article
gardening trowel with soil

Tools & Resources

Click here to visit Tools & Resources article
Good News – Making Progress

Good News – Making Progress

Click here to visit Good News – Making Progress article
Getting More Involved

Getting More Involved

Find out how you can get more involved in helping your church become more eco friendly.

Click here to visit Getting More Involved article

Caring for God’s Creation

Waste on land and in the oceans, the extinction of plants and animals and the crisis of climate change threaten God’s creation. The latest UN report states that human activities, our activities, have unequivocally caused global warming.

Individually, and together as the whole church, we must change what we are doing to tackle this crisis:

  • For our own sakes
  • For the sake of the whole of humanity
  • For the sake of the whole of nature
  • Because God cares passionately for his world

Church buildings, schools and various activities all contribute to climate change, so we must change how we do things. A major step is that we have set a goal of reducing our emissions to net zero by 2030, a prophetic statement by word and example to our country and the whole world.

The good news is, this is possible! Although there are still only a few, some parishes and individuals have already achieved net zero carbon.

This section of the diocesan website provides information and resources on many different aspects of caring for God’s creation.

Want to Find Out More?