Parent Information

Parent Information
Church of England schools offer high-quality education within a Christian context. They are in the main community schools with a Christian character serving the needs of the local area.

As with all maintained schools in England, Church of England schools:
- Teach Religious Education in line with the locally agreed syllabus (Voluntary Aided schools are able to set their own syllabus but the vast majority of our schools follow the locally agreed one)
- Hold acts of collective worship every day

In addition, Church of England Schools provide:
- Education underpinned by Christian values
- A culture guided by the Christian way of life
- Care of each individual as a unique part of God’s creation
- Close links with the community
- Partnership with the local Anglican church and congregation

Admissions in Church of England Schools

Christian Distinctiveness in a Church School

Collective Worship In Church of England Schools
Guidance for Church schools on being both distinctively Christian and inclusive of all faiths and none.
Please download this document for more information.
Please download this document from the Church of England website.