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Racial Justice Resources

Racial Justice Resources

Schools Resources on Racial Justice and Inclusion

The Winchester Diocese Education Team has produced a wide range of schools resources on the theme of racial justice and inclusion. These can be used in both church and community schools and are also suitable for use with children and young people in churches.

The resources include annual schools projects on subjects such as Gamechangers (exploring people who have made significant changes to the world, including in the area of racial justice and how we can also be agents of change); Everyday Ubuntu (looking at the South African philosophy that we are only fully human in community with other people) and Standing Together (investigating how we can show solidarity with those who have been dispossessed.) There is also a wide selection of resources for Religious Education and Collective Worship, including All Are Welcome, a set of resources based on children’s books by UKME authors;  a project based on the children’s book An Angel Just Like Me, which explores the stereotypes around the Christmas story; and The Christmas Star, which reminds us that we can all be part of God’s story, whoever we are.

Racial Justice Sunday 2025 Video

For the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday, we spoke to children and youth workers in our diocese to find out why it’s important to them and the young people they minister to.

Racial Justice Strategy Video

Following the release of our Racial Justice Strategy, Bishop David discussed the importance of having such a strategy as a diocese. We also spoke with Tola and Sathya from Basingstoke Church about what having a diocesan Racial Justice Strategy means to them.

Racial Justice Sunday 2024 Images

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