As a diocese where 80% of our parishes are rural, any strategic mission plans must include our rural areas.
This programme builds on previous funded schemes, Benefice of the Future/Growing Rural Parishes, which have proven impactful for many benefices. The plan is to seek further funding over the next 5 years for the 15 remaining benefices that would qualify for the programme.
Parishes can apply to the scheme to create a bespoke action and growth plan over the first three years. A budget of £35k per benefice (over the 3 years) will be offered to invest in operational infrastructure, training, communications and branding, and administrative support.
As well as the bespoke support and investment, each benefice will need to participate in regular active learning sets with colleagues from other benefices – pooling ideas, learnings, and progress.
Read how other parishes have benefitted from GRP funding >>>