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Bishop’s Commission for Mission

Bishop’s Commission for Mission

This programme has been developed to support the work of parishes and deaneries by equipping lay people for service. We aim to do this by giving participants the skills and knowledge they need to pursue their vocation more effectively, whilst at the same time giving them a bigger vision for how God might use them to bring in his kingdom.

BCM is not an academic training course but a programme of formation. It is strongly relational based. We believe everyone who attends will already have some wisdom and experience to share which the training will draw out and enhance.

Those who complete the programme will have greater confidence in what they are doing and will be better equipped to bring a missional focus to bear on their area of ministry and their life. Many people today would not come near a church but will have contact with Christians. Through the BCM programme, we plan to equip people to share the love of Christ with those around them as they exercise their ministry.

Why Take Part In a Programme Through BCM? 

If you are a layperson who is involved in ministry in your local church or perhaps feeling a call from God to become more involved in ministry in your local church then BCM training might be for you. We aim to equip and inspire laypeople to become more confident in their service within their church and community, growing in understanding that you are indeed a valuable part of the mission of God in His world. We offer a range of programmes, which we vary term by term. Those coming next are listed below and you can get in touch with Wendy Atkinson via the form below to find out more details about any that interest you. Once you have completed the training and its requirements, you will be commissioned to that role in your benefice by the Bishop of Winchester at the annual Lay Ministries Service at the Cathedral.

BCM Programmes Autumn 2024

We are offering BCM Beyond Church Walls this coming term beginning on 7th September, as well as the BCM Worship programme, starting on the same date. 

BCM Autumn Download

BCM Beyond Church Walls

Mission can seem a big and sometimes scary word yet we all want to see people coming to know Jesus and our churches thriving.  How can we start from where we are, with who we are, and take those first steps towards meeting and connecting with people outside the church?  This is what BCM Beyond Church Walls is all about.  Building confidence and helping identify what new thing you might explore offering in your particular community.

BCM Beyond Church Walls Journey Outline Download

BCM Worship

This is for those who have a desire to lead God’s people into God’s presence. The training will cover the core skills required to lead worship in your church/community and on completion carries an authorisation to lead non eucharistic worship more than once a quarter.

BCM Worship Programme Outline Download

BCM Taster

Taking place on 31 July 2024 online from 19:00 to 20:00, you are warmly invited to join us for an hour online to hear about the coming term’s BCM programmes. We will explore the content of the programmes on offer and there will be plenty of time to ask any questions you may have.

All are welcome and there is no obligation to go on to take the training afterwards. To receive the Zoom link, please contact Wendy Atkinson.

For all programmes above, please contact Wendy Atkinson at to book your place.

BCM Application Form Autumn 2024 Download an Application Form Here

Coming Spring Term 2025

BCM Pastoral

This programme aims to equip you to be pastoral in different contexts in the church and in the community.  It is about developing your skills and exploring your vocation to this ministry. We explore ageing, death, dying and bereavement as well as those tricky conversations around these subjects.

BCM Pastoral Programme Outline Download

Other Programmes Available

BCM Youth, Children & Family

This is primarily for those who are leading any form of youth, children or families ministry in the church. The training will explore faith development and provide you with a range of creative ideas for building a strong ministry team. 

BCM Community

What Happens After You Complete a BCM Programme?

BCM training is highly relational. We believe those who come on the training already have a wealth of life skills and experience to share before they begin. We believe we learn best from one another, from discussion and from mutual encouragement and support. There are over 500 people who have taken a BCM training programme, a wonderful community spread across the diocese. Post BCM therefore we aim to offer opportunities for those who have been through the programmes to get together for prayer, fellowship and teaching on a regular basis.

We offer regular networking breakfasts around the diocese to connect, encourage and pray for one another.  We also have an annual celebration of lay ministry day when we bring together BCMs, BPPs and LLMs for teaching, fellowship and encouragement.  And keep an eye on our weekly mailer and website events page, where you can find one-off training events suitable for those who have taken a BCM programme.

Please let us know which course you’re interested in by using the contact form below.