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Licensed Ministry Training

Licensed Ministry Training

“Winchester provides a fine theological education and formation for your students. You are enabling your students to be theologically informed, missionally orientated, reflective, engaged, pastorally sensitive and appreciative of what their several callings might mean.”   

– Excerpt from the external examiner’s report of Winchester Licensed Ministry Training and the three other delivery centres that make up the South Central TEI (October 2022) 

Winchester Licensed Ministry Training offers training pathways for a range of different ministries: Ordination, Licensed Lay Ministry and Authorised Preaching. During each of these pathways you will be rooted in a local church context and your training will have a strong outward orientation and missional focus.  

We deliver modules covering areas such as Biblical Studies, Christian Doctrine, Mission and Evangelism, and Pastoral Care as well as a wide range of sessions focussing on formational aspects of training for ministry.  

Our students have the opportunity to take part in a range of placements during their training, in the past we have organised visits to our sister diocese of Newcastle and moving forward we are very pleased to be offering the opportunity to visit some of our partners in Rwanda to build relationships and share missional and ministerial learning and practice. 

Our courses are organised and delivered by core staff and a range of excellent Associate Tutors. Winchester LMT is part of the South Central Theological Training Institution (SCTEI) together with Guildford Diocese, Oxford Diocese and Sarum College in Salisbury. Over the course of the year, we share some teaching including a shared online lecture at the start of each year with a guest speaker. In 2022 our guest speaker was Professor Robert Beckford speaking about racial justice, and in 2023 we welcomed Hannah Malcolm, who spoke to us about a theological response to creation care. 

Ordination Training at Winchester

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Licensed Lay Ministry Training

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Authorised Preaching Training

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