As part of the application to the Strategic Development Fund in 2018, seven of our churches received grants with the specific aim of “encouraging and establishing disciple-making amongst students in the communities of our Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) institutions, and to make disciples in a culturally-relevant way so that many more students become disciples of Jesus.”
- Evangelism is now taking place on a regular basis at all 4 of our local universities and at 5 FE colleges
- This outreach has been a combination of activities on campus and encouraging students to join their local churches. Many of these churches have run Alpha courses and life groups specifically designed for students
- Some good links built between the student workers at the churches and student chaplaincies
- The work of the funded student worker posts has been significantly supported by other church staff and volunteers
- This work has also encompassed community projects such as food banks and mental health support, so has had a beneficial impact on the wider community
- Although students have come to faith in relatively small numbers, many have had their faith strengthened and taken active or even leadership roles in their churches
- There is now increased intentionality about evangelising to our student population

“Attendance has increased from 30-45 to 50-60 students in the space of 5 months and students
are increasingly becoming an active part of the wider Church family.”
Charles Idu, LoveChurch
“In our church we have 4 small groups that multiplied to 5 with 45 students attending each week, plus a weekend away with 25 students receiving teaching on prayer. The students self organised daily prayer meetings for 8 days straight, that then continued weekly.”
Tim Daulby, Highfield

“We run the adult and youth course in schools and Andover College which are helping to build resilience and improve wellbeing. “
Lauren Cheshire, St Mary’s, Andover
“We have made great connections with the staff team at Totton College, and the profile of St Wins as been significantly raised. Many staff have expressed an interest in coming along to church and/or attending Alpha.”
Georgia Hart, St Win’s, Totton