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Where Are We Now?

Where Are We Now?

Our Vision

Bishop Philip has invited our communities to Walk the Wessex Way – a vision for our diocese, based on the pillars of Serving, Learning, Growing and Loving, and responding to our proud history and heritage to help shape our present and future mission and ministry.

During 2024 therefore, the Bishop’s Staff Team (BST) considered its own response to Walking the Wessex Way, and has set a series of objectives and commitments for this next season. Please read them here.

Our Challenges

Our diocese has much to celebrate and give thanks for as our parishes, schools, chaplaincies and worshipping communities respond to their callings to serve, learn, grow and love. We must however also recognise with humility and courage the many challenges and pressures we collectively carry, seen in decline in attendance, volunteers, income and resources.

It’s a varied picture, as these images show:

Understanding Your Benefice

We have recently commissioned a review of all our benefice data and stats to help us understand where we are as a diocesan community.

Whilst we recognise that statistics can never tell the whole story of the true impact of mission and ministry, this data can help to understand and assess patterns and trends that will help inform our response and offer support where it is needed.

We understand that ‘categorising’ benefices in this way may feel uncomfortable for some; please know that we only want to use the data to tell us how we can help, not how we can judge.

The statistical trends this analysis has given us, will prove vital evidence to support our funding application. Please see the graphs below for an overview of some of this data.

Everyone is welcome to have a look at the data for your benefice – called your ‘Health & Vitality Dashboard’. Please email parish support to ask for a copy

Previous Bids

In putting together our next bid, it has been helpful to look back at the past and see what we can learn from previous applications for national church funding, some which have worked well, some less so.

Several of our past projects have been externally evaluated. The report below highlights some of the key achievements and challenges that were faced, and suggests some key learnings and recommendations for the future.

Going Fast or Going Far Report Download