First Steps
If you are feeling a sense of calling, or a desire to explore ministry further, the first person to talk more formally with will be your Vicar or Rector. Of course, you may have spoken with friends and family or a spiritual director as you have been thinking and praying about this and we would encourage you to do that if you haven’t.
If you want to explore your sense of calling, whether to lay or ordained ministry more, then your incumbent will need to refer you to the Vocations Team using the Clergy Referral form on the Resources page here. The reason we ask for this is to make sure you are rooted in a local church and supported through the exploration and discernment process.
When we have your referral, the Vocations Administrator will guide you through some initial paperwork, and you’ll meet with the DDO for an informal chat. If you know at this stage whether you want to explore Licensed Lay ministry or Ordained ministry, that is really helpful, but it doesn’t matter if you’re just sensing God calling you to explore and aren’t sure where that will lead.

Phase 1
We will then link you up with a Local Vocations Adviser (LVA) who is someone who you can meet with to help you reflect on your sense of call and give it some shape. You can keep seeing your LVA as long as you feel it’s helpful. This period of the process is Phase 1 Exploration and might last a few months or even a couple of years.
If, in conversation with your LVA, you decide that it is Licensed Lay ministry (LLM) that you wish to explore then you will be invited to a Discernment Day, where you will be able to explore LLM training further. Please see here for further information.

Phase 2
For Ordination, Phase 2 is the Discernment Phase and always begins in September because of the National Shared Discernment process timetable.
In Phase 2 you are linked to one of the ADDOs (Assistant Diocesan Directors of Ordinands) and will work with them through this year as you prepare for each of the three discernment panels.
- Stage 1 Panel is online, 6 x 15-minute topic-based conversations
- Diocesan Panel is half a day, in-person and determines if the Bishop is happy to sponsor you to stage 2
- Stage 2 Panel is a 2-day residential with National Advisers, after which you will have a decision on whether or not you are recommended for training
The DDO and your ADDO will support you throughout these processes.