The Winchester School of Mission was delighted to start 2023 with all the students gathering for a fantastic bible-packed study day (with another date planned for 25th February).
The morning began with a time of prayer and worship before the students went to their different groups. Year 1 Ordinands, LLM candidates and Preachers in training had a session on ‘An introduction to the Bible’ led by Revd Dr Peter Walker and Will Howard. Peter taught New Testament Studies at Wycliffe Hall at the University of Oxford and was Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity School for Ministry near Pittsburgh. Will Howard has an MSc in Applied Linguistics and a MA in Christian Mission and Theology and has preached at Christchurch Priory since 2004. He will be teaching another course later on in the year.
Meanwhile, the year 2 & 3 ordinands, LLM candidates and some guests, explored the historical and literary context of the New Testament and an overview of the Gospel of Matthew. The session was led by Rev Dr Andy Angel who is vicar at St Andrew’s, Burgess Hill and a published New Testament scholar.
The next study day, ‘Enjoying the New Testament’, is on Saturday 25th February, 9.15-4pm. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge or refreshing your passion for the bible, you are warmly invited to join us.
For more information or to book please contact Mo Penrose on