Avon Valley Churches are Here to Help

Avon Valley Churches are Here to Help

Avon Valley Churches continue to reach out to communities both within and outside of the church in multiple, ‘hybrid’ forms despite living in lockdown and the many challenges we face due to the Coronavirus; from Pastoral Care to our daily online Thought for the Days and providing cupcakes for children and the elderly, we are here to help.

A network of dedicated pastoral care teams from the Parishes of Fordingbridge (with Sandleheath and Godshill), Hyde, Breamore, and Hale and Woodgreen make weekly and often daily telephone calls to support many who are alone, elderly or those who need specific help. Many in our communities haven’t seen a single soul for weeks and are so grateful for the contact and connections made (see attached photograph from one of our parishoners). If you know of any friends, relatives or neighbours who would appreciate this support, please do email pastoralcareleaders@avonvalleychurches.org.uk.

For those who have been unable to attend church due to the lockdowns and social distancing, a combination of in-person worship (when restrictions allow) as well as livestreaming services continue apace on @avonvalleychurches Facebook page and YouTube channel and all are welcome to follow and attend. The @avonvalleychurches Instagram account also gathers and welcomes new followers each day.

More than 20 volunteers are still busy creating daily online Thought for the Day videos, covering topical subjects ranging from supporting mental health to relevant bible studies and reflections to help to give a daily boost to all those tuning in. One of our regular contributors, who felt a particular connection with the AVC community since the earliest online offerings in March, hails from Winchester in Virginia, USA, proving our sense of ‘community’ now stretches far further and wider than we ever thought possible, with many posts reaching 6-7,000 people per month, locally and internationally. She plans to visit in person as soon as she is able! If anyone else would also like to contribute to our daily Thought for the Day videos, please do get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.

The Avon Valley Churches Youth Community and Families Facebook page (@AVCfamilies) also continues to post regular weekly videos to reach out to families and younger members of the community; from Messy ChurchYouth Space and Sunday evening Bible Bedtime stories to the popular Celebrate Our Community videos filmed to help support and promote our local businesses during this difficult time. If there are any local businesses who would appreciate our support in this way, please do get in touch.

At 2.50pm each Thursday, our Assemblies go live into our local schools as well as to many children accessing them from home. It’s a wonderful time for students to feel connected with their friends and is open to anyone with children – please get in touch and join us.

During half term, Avon Valley Churches have also teamed up with The Cottage Loaf in Fordingbridge High Street to fund more than 400 cakes for local children and their families as well as all those in local care homes to let them know we are thinking of them.

Youth, Children and Families Development Worker for the Avon Valley Churches, Jo Heath, said: “Even though we are in a third lockdown, we are still reminding ourselves and others about how important it is to feel connected and cared for.

Please do continue to let us know how we can support you and all those in our communities during these difficult times. We can do so much more than pray for you in so many cases.

Avon Valley Churches: 01425 653163

Email: office@avonvalleychurches.org.ukcommunications@avonvalleychurches.org.uk