Around 400 people attended a week of worship at Basingstoke Church to draw closer to the Lord, strengthen them to work for his glory and to pray for the town. People of all ages and all traditions enjoyed a variety of events.
These included a relaxed acoustic service led by young adults, an evening of arts and crafts, a reflective service, a traditional evening worship with liturgy and finished with a ‘Family Kingdom Come’ with all ages coming together for a lively and fun time of worship.

Rector John Hudson said, “I found in Basingstoke Library this week a parish magazine from 1875 where they were holding a very similar week of worship in this parish, 150 years ago. The aim of the week was, in their words, to “make a breach in the barrier of obstructions which the world and the Devil oppose to the Church’s work of bringing souls to Christ… it will be done with an intensity and abundance such as could not be sustained under ordinary circumstances.” I couldn’t say it better myself.”
He continued, “Over this week we have seen people of all ages and from a variety of church traditions step in and spend the week worshipping. Each person came not for their own benefit but because we believe that when we root ourselves in worship, something shifts in the heavenlies. I have been hugely encouraged by the feedback after each evening, with people asking “can we do more.” From noisy family worship through to contemplative spaces and evensong we have seen God meet with people in a powerful way and, through the variety and diversity, have been able to see people from across this current generation come together in unity.”

The church has four locations in the town, St Michaels in the town centre, All Saints at the top of town, St Peter’s in South Ham and Christ the King in Brighton Hill. Events took place at all four locations each evening during week.
Joe Pavey, Worship and Production Pastor, said, “This week has been really significant for us, and we’ve been reminded again that when we come simply as we are, turn our eyes to Jesus and ask him to move by his Holy Spirit, he will. Each event has created a different space to help everyone of all ages, stages and backgrounds to encounter Jesus. Through traditional liturgical worship, creative arts, all age family worship, reflective contemplation, and times of vibrant contemporary worship and prayer ministry, we’ve seen Jesus lifted high and encountered His Holy Spirit.”
He added, “God has been working clearly and powerfully amongst us every time we have gathered, stirring us to pray and cry out for Him to move in power here in Basingstoke, for his kingdom to come, through us his people. He has been encouraging individuals and leading them deeper into relationship with him and strengthening his church as we worship and pray.“