Our Next Bid – Have Your Say!

An online consultation meeting where we would like to hear the voices and ideas of as many people as possible across our diocesan community.

Mental Health First Aid

All clergy are invited to a two day training course learning about mental health first aid.

Our Next Bid – Have Your Say!

A consultation meeting at Old Alresford Place where we would like to hear the voices and ideas of as many people as possible across our diocesan community. 

Ageing Well

Supporting Ministry to Older People

Bournemouth Roadshow

Join diocesan staff during their visit to Bournemouth Deanery, a chance to speak to experts across various fields, including: youth and children’s work, CMF, DAC, Grants, NZC and more.

Our Next Bid – Have Your Say!

An online consultation meeting where we would like to hear the voices and ideas of as many people as possible across our diocesan community.