Celebrating the Service of Consecration for Our New Bishop Rhiannon

Celebrating the Service of Consecration for Our New Bishop Rhiannon

The new Bishop of Southampton, the Rt Revd Rhiannon King, was consecrated as bishop at a service held at Canterbury Cathedral last Friday 18th October. Many representatives from our diocese, as well as Rhiannon’s friends, family and colleagues, gathered to support Bishop Rhiannon take the significant next step in her journey of faith and service.


In a rich service of music and liturgy led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, our new bishop was invited to make a series of promises attesting to her commitment to Christian scripture and doctrine, to the Church, and to the people she is charged with caring for. Archbishop Justin reminded the congregation of the duty and role of bishops to:

“…serve and care for the flock of Christ. Mindful of the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep, they are to love and pray for those committed to their charge, knowing their people and being known by them. As principal ministers of word and sacrament, stewards of the mysteries of God, they are to preside at the Lord’s table and to lead the offering of prayer and praise. They are to feed God’s pilgrim people, and so build up the Body of Christ. They are to baptize and confirm, nurturing God’s people in the life of the Spirit, and leading them in the way of holiness. They are to discern and foster the gifts of the Spirit in all who follow Christ, commissioning them to minister in his name. They are to preside over the ordination of deacons and priests, and join together in the ordination of bishops. As chief pastors, it is their duty to share with their fellow presbyters the oversight of the Church, speaking in the name of God, and expounding the gospel of salvation. With the Shepherd’s love, they are to be merciful, but with firmness; to minister discipline, but with compassion. They are to have a special care for the poor, the outcast and those who are in need. They are to seek out those who are lost and lead them home with rejoicing, declaring the absolution and forgiveness of sins to those who turn to Christ. Following the example of the prophets and the teaching of the apostles, they are to proclaim the gospel boldly, confront injustice and work for righteousness and peace in all the world.”

At the moment of consecration, the Archbishop laid his hands on Rhiannon’s head and prayed: “Send down the Holy Spirit on your servant Rhiannon for the office and work of a bishop in your Church” before the ceremonial giving of a Bible and anointing with oil.



Readings were given by people chosen by Bishop Rhiannon, her husband Dr Philip King and friend, the Revd Stephanie Buchanan. Bishop Rhiannon had also invited the Revd Charlotte Cook, Priest-in-Charge of Westerfield with Tuddenham and Witnesham, to preach the sermon – in a reflection on the Gospel of Luke (10:1-9), the Revd Cook spoke of how our ‘yes to Jesus’ isn’t a ‘fluffy thing’ but rather is like being ‘sent out like lambs into the midst of wolves’, requiring that ‘we rely fully on the goodness of God’. Episcopal ministry is ‘not a soft calling’, she said, inviting all those present to support and pray for the candidates as they also continue to ‘say yes to Jesus’.

Bishop Philip with Bishop David and Bishop Geoff

After the service, the guests were invited to a reception to celebrate – this included a gathering of no less than six Rhiannons, all of whom are friends and colleagues from the new bishop’s past and present. As well as Bishop Rhiannon herself, she was joined by:

  • Rhiannon Balme (Bishop of Southampton’s Personal Assistant)
  • Rhiannon Taylor (Worship Pastor at Highfield Church, Southampton)
  • Rhiannon Nicholson (Student Pastor at Highfield Church, Southampton)
  • Revd Rhiannon Jones (Prison Chaplain in Manchester Diocese)
  • Revd Rhiannon Wilmott (Curate at St Paul’s Winchester)

All the Rhiannons!

Bishop Rhiannon joins the Diocese of Winchester from the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, where she has been serving as the Archdeacon of Ipswich and Director of the ‘Inspiring Ipswich’ project. She will be the 17th bishop of Southampton, following the Rt Revd Geoff Annas who has been acting bishop since November 2023, and the Rt Revd Debbie Sellin following her appointment as Bishop of Peterborough.

Bishop Rhiannon was ordained deacon in 2000 and worked first in a team ministry in the market town of Huntingdon, followed by being the Rector of a multi-parish benefice just outside Cambridge. She then became Director of Mission for the Diocese of Birmingham which involved leading their Growing Younger project and helping to implement their ‘Transforming Church’ and church-planting vision. She is also a trustee of ‘Leading your Church into Growth’.

On her announcement day as the new Bishop of Southampton (13 Sept), Rhiannon was introduced to representatives from across the region, first spending time at St Denys Community Food Project, before meeting students and staff at St Katharine’s CofE School in Southbourne, finally joining the community of Romsey Abbey for a service of prayer and blessing. Read more here >>>

She will begin her ministry in the diocese following a Service of Welcome on Saturday 16th November at St Michael the Archangel Church, Southampton.