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Churches Supporting People with Dementia
Across the diocese, there are some incredible examples of church communities offering companionship, support and care to people with dementia, with many churches teaming up with Christian organisations like...

Taking Church Outdoors Into the Community
What better time and place to appreciate God’s creation than outdoors, when the sun is shining? Churches from across the Diocese of Winchester have been taking advantage of the...

Three Top Tips For Generating Income For Your Church
What follows are three helpful tips for generating additional forms of income for your parish. Some of these mechanisms you may or may not be aware of, but implemented...

St Denys Church Share Ideas on Creating a Culture of Generosity
To introduce Generous June 2023, we spoke to the Revd Sera Rumble, vicar of St Denys, about how the church is growing in its generosity in all areas, despite...

Christchurch Deanery Visit Kinkiizi Diocese
Rosemary Bartlett and Gill Tybjerg from Christchurch Deanery have recently returned from visiting their Deanery Mission Partners, Kinkiizi Diocese, Uganda. They received a wonderful welcome and felt privileged to...

“Good Grub Club” Launches in Andover Parish
Andover Parish has begun a new collaborative project called The Good Grub Club, which is being rolled out through its social outreach programme (the Lighthouse Social Action Hub) working...

Revd Tom Benson Rides to the Arctic Circle to Raise Money for Prostate Cancer
Tom Benson, Rector of the Braishfield benefice is riding his motorcycle to the Arctic Circle to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK. In terms of why he’s choosing to...

Tandem bike ride passes through Winchester Diocese to promote ‘Music Sunday’
Over the weekend of 10–12 June, Hugh Morris, Director of the Royal School of Church Music, and Paul Hedley, Assistant Director, will pass through the Winchester Diocese on a...

In IMAGES: Pentecost Sunday around the diocese
Pentecost Sunday was marked in joyful and creative ways, as churches around the diocese celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit. To find out more about the significance of...