Information for Churchwardens

The role of the churchwarden is extremely varied but generally involves management, maintenance and mission in accordance with the Churchwardens Measure 2001 and the Canons of the Church of England. They are the foremost in representing the laity and in co-operating with the incumbent, and they have a duty to maintain order and decency in the church and churchyard, particularly during the times of divine service. In co-operation with the incumbent, churchwardens are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish.

Churchwardens are crucial during a vacancy.  Should the incumbent leave, the Churchwarden will need to take on additional responsibilities whilst the parish is in vacancy and therefore will need additional support. When this happens, your Archdeacon will provide you with a Churchwarden Pack, this will be your guide and reference document for the process that needs to be followed. Your Archdeacon will also be your main point of contact for any specific queries but be assured, we are all here to support you throughout this period.

Please contact Jane Hammond, Clergy Appointments Assistant for further details on the Churchwarden Pack:

When in vacancy it is also the responsibility of the Churchwarden to exercise general supervision of the house and garden and inform the Houses Manager of any repairs that become necessary.  Please see our Clergy Housing Handbook for guidelines and policies applied to all houses used to house clergy or visit our clergy housing page for more information: Housing for Clergy

Every year, following your APCM’s, each person appointed to the role of Churchwarden is required to be admitted to this role by the Archdeacon at an Archdeacon’s Visitation.

For more information and for the 2024 visitation dates please contact

Archdeacons' Visitations 2025

Find Out More about page

Parochial Visitations

Find Out More about page

Please visit our DAC and Church Buildings page for resources and materials relating to the care and maintenance of Church Buildings, applying for faculties and meetings of the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC).

For more information and to access the online faculty system, please visit: DAC and Church Buildings

The Diocese of Winchester is funded by the Common Mission Fund. The Common Mission Fund is money given by every parish to provide and support clergy, and to further our work in every parish, across Hampshire and East Dorset.

For more information please visit: Common Mission Fund

Please do join us for our Churchwarden Training Day on Saturday 28th September at St Boniface, Chandler’s Ford.

For more information and for a full list of our courses and events, please visit: Courses and Events


Keen to Find Out More About Good Governance in the Parish?

Join Gavin Foster and Sarah Hart at the Diocesan Registry for an 'all you need to know guide' in our recent good governance workshop

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