St John’s Hartley Wintney recently embarked upon a rewilding project in their church grounds. Curate, Revd Helen May, tells more…
“We combined our morning services to bring our congregations together for time to worship God and to encourage one another in our mission to safeguard the creation God has entrusted us with. After the service and a quick cuppa, we pulled on our wellies and got to work preparing a large area of space to be left to rewild. Local charity Rally-Rewild were on hand to give advice on all things re-wilding.”
“We saved plant species that were already thriving in the space, and then removed everything else that would hinder the area being inhabited by wildlife and new native plant species. It was a joy to see all generations working alongside one another to care for the land we have been given. Now to sit back and let nature do the rest!”

For more help and inspiration about how your church can get greener, see the Church of England Environment pages for lots of case studies, videos and advice!