Sleepers sign up for an uncomfortable night to help the homeless

Sleepers sign up for an uncomfortable night to help the homeless

Local charity Alabaré is calling on local people in Hampshire to take part in their Big Sleep at Home event on 5th March. The charity says that the ongoing pandemic, and the economic and mental health repercussions, are putting thousands more people at risk of homelessness. The charity support ex-Armed Forces personnel at their Hampshire Homes for Veterans in Gosport, and homeless young people in their homes in Andover.

All the funds raised from the sponsored event, will help provide accommodation and support for those who find themselves in crisis and without a home. Big Sleepers will give up their bed for one night, and sleep in an uncomfortable place in their home, garden or other venue (permitted by the Covid restrictions).

Throughout the evening Alabaré are being joined by celebrities and other figures as the event is streamed online. Big Sleepers will be able to listen in to a bedtime story from renowned award-winning author Barney Norris, take part in den building with ex-SAS Major Ken Hames, join in an online quiz, as well hear from Alabaré CEO Andrew Lord and from some of the many people who have been supported by Alabaré and who know first-hand the difference events like the Big Sleep make.

Laura Knight, Community Engagement Officer at Alabaré says;

“We are thrilled that people are responding so positively to the idea of doing the Big Sleep at Home. Thanks to all those signing up on-line, we can still hold this vital, community event, making a massive difference for those who are struggling or facing crisis during this devasting pandemic.”

Staff at Alabaré homes have been working on the frontline throughout the crisis, making sure those who have lost their home have safety, warmth, food, and support to begin rebuilding their lives once more.

For more information, and to register for free, go to