The congregation at St Edward’s Church, Netley Abbey, have had cause to celebrate twice over! They were recently joined by the Acting Bishop of Southampton Geoff Annas, to rejoice at the completion of the rehanging of the eight church bells. Bishop Geoff rededicated the church bells, and was delighted to be a part of them ringing out over the parish again.

Shortly after, Bishop Geoff returned to St Edward’s, this time to rededicate the 1887 J. W. Walker organ following a complete refurbishment. This make of organ was particularly popular during the Gothic Revival era of church building, and organs built by Walker are found in many churches across the UK, such as at Romsey Abbey. The firm continues to build organs today.
Both these restoration projects at St Edward’s have been a long time coming, with fundraising efforts spanning over the last decade, and has included working in collaboration with the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) for guidance and support.
It was therefore a time of great celebration when these projects were completed – the church has now been refitted musically both outside and inside, ready for the next generation to hear and appreciate!