Update on Bishop’s Review of Winchester Cathedral

Update on Bishop’s Review of Winchester Cathedral

23 October 2024

In June this year, the Bishop of Winchester commissioned a review of Winchester Cathedral under the terms of the Cathedrals’ Measure 2021. Bishop Philip appointed Patti Russell of Winckworth Sherwood, a highly experienced ecclesiastical lawyer with expertise both in the area of cathedral governance and leadership and HR matters, to conduct the review on his behalf and to assist him in identifying a co-reviewer. In August, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, former Dean of Norwich, joined Patti to co-lead the Review, bringing considerable experience in cathedral leadership and governance.

The Review Team has interviewed over 45 people including three external musical experts. The majority of these interviews have been conducted face to face during August and September, with follow-up conversations via Zoom where necessary. In addition to the interviews, the Review Team has considered over 140 written submissions which have been followed up as appropriate.

The Bishop has been clear throughout that the Review must be thorough, focusing specifically on the Terms of Reference, namely:

To conduct a review and make recommendations to the Bishop concerning:
1) The leadership and management of the Cathedral’s choirs to include consideration of recent HR decision making and communications;
2) The culture and behaviours of the Chapter and Cathedral and the extent to which this affects Cathedral operations, specifically in relation to the Cathedral’s choirs;
3) Cathedral decision making processes and, in particular, the processes by which the Chapter manages risk and critical issues;
4) Governance structures and the efficacy of leadership at Chapter level.

While it was initially felt that a three month deadline for the completion of the report was possible, the level of engagement from interested parties and the need for rigour has meant that the team is only now concluding follow-up interviews, with an expectation of writing their report during November and December.

In accordance with the draft Church Commissioners’ Guidance, the report will be confidential to the Bishop. Once he has received it, it will be necessary for him to take some time to digest its contents before producing conclusions and recommendations for Chapter. The Bishop will also make a summary of his conclusions and recommendations public.

Bishop Philip says: “While this review has taken a little longer than expected, in accordance with my direction, Patti and Jane have conducted this review with thoroughness and sensitivity, which has necessarily taken time. I look forward to receiving their report, and have confidence that their recommendations will enable Winchester Cathedral to move forward into a more settled future.”