Anna Chaplain – The Parish of the Resurrection Alton and Alton Methodist Church

The Greater Alton Project – Anglicans and Methodists journeying together (GAP) – invites applications for the part-time post (20 hours per week) of Anna Chaplain to Older People.

Salary: In the range £14 – £17 per hour (@ 20 hours per week = £14,560–£17,689 per annum)

The Anna Chaplaincy is an ecumenical post promoting the spiritual and emotional welfare of older people, including those living in residential care homes and sheltered housing complexes, and offering support to their relatives and carers.

The Anna Chaplain reaches out to all, whether of Christian faith, other faith or none and a feature of the work has been in developing links with many of the clubs in Alton where older people gather. However, an important part of the work has also been the development of services of worship adapted to meet the range of needs of those who would wish to participate.

The increasing development of housing for older people in the Alton area, and the success of previous postholders in developing strong links within the community, has led to a realization of the need to train and enable volunteers to support this work. The successful applicant will therefore be able to build, lead and develop a team of volunteers to support them in this ministry.

The successful applicant would become part of a growing national network of such Anna chaplains within Bible Reading Fellowship, who can provide training.

To gain a fuller picture of the variety of work Anna Chaplains are undertaking please see www.annachaplaincy,, the Alton Methodist Church website and the Parish of the Resurrection website

It is an occupational requirement for the person appointed to be a professing and practicing Christian, lay or ordained, in a church affiliated to the Council of Churches in England and Wales. (Equality Act 2010.)

There is the possibility that further hours and remuneration may be available in future for pastoral care across our churches.

Enhanced DBS and references will be required.

Closing date for applications: Friday 21 February 2025 5.30pm

For further information and an application pack please contact:

Mrs Liz George:  or Tel: 07703 648935