BCM Beyond Church Walls – Autumn 2024

BCM Beyond Church Walls – Autumn 2024
  • 07/09/2024
  • 10:00
  • Old Alresford Place
  • 6 hrs

Event Description

This is the launch session of the BCM Beyond Church Walls programme. BCM Beyond Church Walls is for anyone who has noticed the gap arising between the church they’re attending and the people outside who would either never come to worship in it, or if they came once would be unlikely to stay. Beyond Church Walls aims to help you start to close this gap by going to where people are and starting there, rather than inviting people to come to where you are. This means unlearning things and challenging some of our tightly held beliefs and attitudes. But it can start us on an unforeseeably exciting journey.

In this programme we will explore creative ways to take your ministry out of the church building and into the community. It will help you find ways to share the gospel true to your local context and help build confidence to be yourself in mission. We’ll offer a variety of resources to take those exciting but scary first steps.

The opening and closing sessions are held in person at Old Alresford Place and the topic sessions are held online, 7pm – 8.30pm.

The dates for this programme are as follows:

  • Launch: 7th September, 10am to 4pm, OAP
  • Online sessions: 18th, 25th Sept, 2nd, 9th, 16th, October, 6th November
  • Closing session: 16th November, 10am to 1pm, OAP
Please contact Wendy Atkinson at wendy.atkinson@winchester.anglican.org to book your place.

This course has already started. If you think there's a problem, please get in touch by visiting our 'Contact Us' page.