What follows are three helpful tips for generating additional forms of income for your parish. Some of these mechanisms you may or may not be aware of, but implemented could generate substantial or ongoing forms of income. Of course, in this time of financial hardship we find ourselves, everyone parish could make use of an extra income, but our hope is that this income can go beyond the needs of the parish to help those in your community. At this time of Generous June, we hope to build on the generosity culture already growing within our diocese. A well-resourced church is able to be generous within its community and further afield. We believe that a generous church can build and inspire generous people, which in turn, creates an ongoing cycle of generosity.
1. Card Readers
Card readers are a brilliant way to make giving easy in an ever-cashless society. Because people carry less cash it has become easy to miss out on smaller but never less appreciated, donations. As the way people handle money has changed, we need to change the way in which we look to receive donations. If effectively implemented, a card reader can generate upwards of £2000 per year on average. It may not be a considerable amount, but it does collect donations that you may otherwise miss out on. Its visual presence in your church is a constant reminder, letting people know you welcome gifts of all sizes. It’s a brilliant tool to incorporate into your list of mechanisms for giving, alongside envelope giving, online giving, QR codes, standing order and the Parish Giving Scheme. Card readers are perfect for occasional offices such as weddings, baptisms and funerals as visitors to your services will often want to be generous and will prefer a fast and easy method to give.

There hasn’t been a better time to get your parish a card reader as we currently have the Winchester Digital Giving Rollout underway. We have 50 card readers that will be offered to parishes at a heavily subsidised rate. Simply fill out the application form using the link below and see how you can get your own card reader.
2. Grant Advice
Fundraising is never an easy task and can be quite daunting when faced with a large capital project or staff costs, for instance. Whatever your situation, advice is available from the Parish Support Team.

Please look out for our funding events, (top tips for fundraising, meet the funders, easyfundraising, etc) or speak directly to Jayne Tarry (01962 737348), who will be happy to meet with you to discuss your project. There are hundreds of funders out there but knowing where to start can be challenging. Should you use a professional fundraiser? Should you pay for access to a grants database? Can you apply for a grant for your roof repairs? Or to pay for a youth worker? We can help with all these questions and more.
If you prefer to do your own research, a good place to start is at the Ecclesiastical Insurance Funding Hub: https://www.ecclesiastical.com/church/fundraising/
3. Legacy Giving
A legacy gift left in a will to a parish can make a huge impact, but often people don’t know this is an option available to them. Gifts in wills can be left to parish churches, cathedrals and dioceses and are exempt from inheritance tax. Each year around 4,000 people leave a gift in their will to their church, funding mission projects, maintaining beautiful church buildings and growing faithful communities. For many people, leaving a gift in their will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God. The best first step your PCC can take is to create a Legacy policy that briefly outlines where and how a legacy may be used within the parish. To access a free example policy and a selection of other free resources that your PCC can use, take a look at the legacy page on our website.
We also have a FREE WILLS SCHEME through the online will provider Farewill, offering free wills to anyone within the diocese. There is no obligation to leave a legacy to a parish using this scheme but there will be an option for this should you wish to leave a gift.
Please email stewardship@winchester.anglican.org to find out more.
The best source of income for your parish remains dedicated and committed giving by parishioners through standing order and Direct Debit, often through the Parish Giving Scheme. We want to thank all of those who faithfully give to the work and life of their parish and community in the form of financial and non-financial giving.