What a lot of goodness and love from one ‘very little’ Orchard.

What a lot of goodness and love from one 'very little' Orchard.

As part of the Diocesan Education team’s Orchard’s for Schools project for 2021, we had this note from Fiona Adams, Headteacher at Hordle Primary School said:

Further to the ORCHARD FOR SCHOOLS correspondence, I thought you might like to know how we spent our day today.

 We already have our own Orchard (not quite enough trees to justly call it that but who’s counting!) which brings forth a huge abundance of apples every year.

This year, we used the Hordle apple crop to make all sorts of wonderful Appley cakes in order to demonstrate to the children about preventing food waste, using the precious resources of God’s wonderful world, encouraging creative baking from staff & governors, and raising money for a good cause.
 We were really keen to give our parents the opportunity to get together as we were so conscious that many of our newer families have not had the chance to make friends and form support groups due to covid. They too have suffered as much as the children.

 We raised money for Macmillan in the process and had a lovely coffee morning with a band of smiling staff serving parents and carers with coffee & cake for a small donation.

What a lot of goodness and love from one ‘very little’ Orchard.